Introducing…The ROT Collection

WHILE I WAIT for my editor to provide feedback on my third novel (Raising Lazarus), I decided to work on a little side project.
This will be my third short story. I had a lot of fun with this one! It is Part 1 of what will be a collection of dark short stories which I’ve entitled – ‘The Rot Collection‘.
The first part is called, ‘Origin of the Feces‘.
Here’s the blurb:


Ray Jones isn’t like other tooth fairies.
He curses too much. Enjoys snorting fairy dust.
And recently, he’s been tearing teeth out of kids’ mouths for profit.
He’ll tell you it’s because of The Rot.
Then again, he’ll tell you anything to avoid walking the plank.
This is his story.

It is available for pre-order now and costs a measly 99c/p.
You can find it on the following links:
– Amazon US
Amazon UK
…and all other Amazon territories.