Monster Giveaway (+ Review Calls)

I’M GOING THROUGH a Stephen King phase at the moment.
I’ve read Misery, The Shining and Carrie in the last fortnight. Even though I’ve seen the movies for the first two, they really come alive in the text. So much so that its ignited my love for reading again.
Nothing like being a fly on the wall in the home of Annie Wilkes, as she nurses her favourite cock-a-doody author back to health. Absolute masterclass.

Feast Your Eyes

There’s a HUGE giveaway taking place over at SFFbookbonanza at the moment.
You can win 52 Sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks by some of the best authors to have ever picked up a pen. My personal favourite on the list is Richard Matheson – What Dreams May Come.
Click on the image below to find out more and enter.


I haven’t made a call out for book reviews in a while.
For those who have read and enjoyed one of my books, but haven’t yet left a review on the Amazon US site (which anyone can do), now would be a great time to do so.
My books are:
Raising Lazarus
The ROT Collection

And Finally…

I’m still in Medellin, Colombia. Spent the afternoon reading in a cafe.
Currently half way through a book by a new author, Graham Johns, called Baabaric. Love helping to promote new voices on the scene especially when they write as well as Graham.
I highly recommend checking out his book which is a lot of fun.