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IS IT JUST ME or do hangovers get worse as you get older?
I had a murderous one from last Saturday, and I swear, it’s only today (Thursday) that I feel 100% again. ‘Spose if you do the crime, you gotta do the time.
My writing efforts took a hit as a result. Back on the horse now though, ramping up for a busy end of year.
For those interested in free stuff (who isn’t?!), there are two giveaways taking place right now.
  • Fans of Instafreebie can head over to the promo part of my site where I’m hosting a short story giveaway. Books listed span all genres.
  • There is another HUGE science fiction and fantasy (SFF) giveaway (Instafreebie) with close to 200 books to choose from. Click the ‘ebookaroo’ banner for detail.

You and me,we're meantto bean. (2)




  • Rot3dpingCurrently writing Book 4 (YAGE) – a sequel to SIGIL. 10% completed. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Part 1 of The ROT Collection is published in seven days time! YAY! It’s available for pre-order right now. Looking forward to working on that little side project in the coming months, though novels will continue to take the lion’s share of my time.
  • Been playing with Amazon Ads for the last few weeks w/o any success. Eager to crack the elusive code to find a bigger audience. To be continued…
  • Scrambling to find a suitable cover for Book 3 (Raising Lazarus) before its expected launch date at end of January. Not as easy as you’d think.

That’s me. How have you been?