My fifth. Can you believe that?
I haven’t done too much in the way of promotion, because, well…I’ve done that in the past, thrown a lot of money at it, and didn’t get much return on the old investment of either time or energy.
Instead, I’m employing a slightly different method – one that I think many indie authors might be better served doing (instead of gaming algorithms and what not).
Write a bloody good book.
Yep. That’s about it.
Best marketing you can have is when people freely refer it to their friends without your prodding them in the back.
Will that happen with YAGE? I dunno.
These days I don’t stress too much about the outcome because ultimately I enjoyed writing it! (you selfish little b******).
But it’s not all about me, dear Reader. I’m dropping my price on this one to make it as affordable as possible.
I’m launching the digital book at the disgustingly low price of 99c/p (for the next 48 hours).
So, if you feel like doing a good deed today, downsize your large cappuccino to just a medium one and give me the buck!
Oh…the story is pretty good too. Promise.
You can read the blurb and more about YAGE on the following links: