Release of Debut Novel – PATHFINDERS –

Pathfinders NovelAFTER 103 BLOG POSTS, I’m allowing myself a little bit of shameless self-promotion here!
I finally received my cover illustration from the guys at Design For Writers, which I’m now able to reveal with my small community.
At the moment I’m sharing some of my experiences in bringing a book to market, including my work with two particular editors (Inkwell and Bubblecow) which some aspiring self-publishers or those flirting with the idea of writing a book may be interested in reading. 
I’m really happy with the end product from Andrew Brown who I think did a sterling job. There were a lot of ‘safer’ options that I could have chosen from – think Jack Reacher type covers. But in the end I wanted something that matched the story – a little bit odd, striking and makes the reader sit up and take notice.
For those who are interested in finding out more about the book, stay tuned for your ears to be melted.
The image link on the blog menu will take you to the Amazon listing or you can click here. The book will be available across paperback and digital format from March 1st 2016.
Until the book is in my hands, it won’t quite have sunk in! A book I started writing eleven years ago!
I’ll also be seeking out some proofreaders in advance, to ensure any errors have been caught before it’s released to the wild.

More on that in a week or so!

pathfinders chapter 1