Rot 4 – Plaque to the Future

A tooth fairy has burrowed its way into my my head and I’m stringing out pieces of him onto the page.
This was a little series I decided to create having been inspired by something similar by sci-fi author Hugh Howey with his Beacon 23 series. Howey released a new part every month for five months (five short stories), and then finally bundled them into a novel.
ROT4The idea is nothing new. In fact, he did that in 2015. Guess I’m a bit slow.
In any case, styled on that, I created the ROT Collection which has six parts (take that Howey!).
Part 4 was released today. That’s four mini-launches in the last four months. To complicate matters, I also had a new novel come out last month.
Part 1 of ROT is (permanently) free to download and a quick twenty minute read for those with time to kill.
Download from Amazon (Kindle)
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