SPARKY – A New Short Story

sparky book cover aidan j reid

AUGUST IS GOING TO BE BUSY. Two short stories will be released. The second – a Choose Your Own Adventure, that will test all my patience and creativity. The first… ..well, it’s called SPARKY and it’s now available to purchase for the princely sum of $1. You can check it out on Amazon by clicking […]

The Daily Rot

Big Brother

STARTING MARCH 1ST I’M EMBARKING on an ambitious project which, in equal measures both excites and terrifies me. Some background: Last Summer I enrolled in a Coding Course to reskill as a full stack software developer. As I near the end of the course, I’m finding it quite difficult to land my first developer job […]

Irish Shores and the Kindle Paperwhite Giveaway

Back in Dublin. Christ, I had forgotten how cold it is here. 8 °C which is just plain silly for Spring. I have it on good authority that there’s a heatwave coming tomorrow. If not, I’m gonna find the nearest oven to climb into for heat.

MEGA Giveaways – Thriller/Crime and Funnies!

INCOMING!!!!! The guys over at BookSweeps are arranging a couple of huge giveaways which end in the next few days. I’ve teamed up with 70+ other authors to give away a massive collection of books across two competitions to four lucky winners, PLUS a brand new eReader to the Grand Prize winner!

Sigil is Free. That is All. For Now…

SHORT UPDATE TO ANNOUNCE that my Irish based thriller SIGIL is free to download via Amazon US/UK for the next couple of days. It features the Catholic Parish priest Fr Tom Regan in what I can now officially confirm is his FIRST outing (more on that shortly). A suicide in the small sleepy village of […]

Fr Regan. I've been expecting you…

ALWAYS A PROUD MOMENT seeing a project in print or the first time. Especially this one. Yage is the sequel to Sigil and sees the Catholic Priest Tom Regan dust off his clerical collar again in a mystery thriller set in Peru. I’m going to release this one in mid-September and it will be my fifth […]

Take My Baby

PERHAPS IT’S THE scorching bank holiday weekend weather we just had. The dizzy heights of 21C (70F) were reached in some places. Almost unheard of! In any case, to celebrate the fact the weather seems to be behaving itself, I’m giving away my first book for free.


I’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE. No. Not the rented room in a mate’s gaff in Dublin for an indeterminable period. Not the unemployment line.

Letting Regan off the Leash

QUICK UPDATE – My second novel SIGIL is free to download for the next 48 hours. I’m busy working on the sequel as we speak with (fingers crossed) a release date of end of June 2018. Quick turnaround, but I really am investing every waking sane moment I have into completing it. That would be […]

Review Team – Recruitment is Open!

I LOVE MY REVIEW TEAM. About five months ago I made a call out on my newsletter for readers willing to join. I hope it’s been beneficial for those who have signed up to be part of the team. The reviews so far for the ROT series and Raising Lazarus suggest it has, and for […]

Falling in (Book) Love

FOR YEARS, I’VE BEEN SEARCHING. That significant other. Someone to curl up with at the end of a long day. The one that makes you feel alive. Gives you hope. Inspires and helps you forget all your worries. If only, for a few hours. Turns out, I’ve been looking in the wrong places.

We Need To Talk About Lazarus…

I’VE BEEN SO ENTRENCHED in the ROT World lately that I haven’t really mentioned the fact I have a new book out next week. It’s my first novel in eighteen months. I’ve spoken before about the voices in my head and this was no different.