Sigil is Free. That is All. For Now…

SHORT UPDATE TO ANNOUNCE that my Irish based thriller SIGIL is free to download via Amazon US/UK for the next couple of days. It features the Catholic Parish priest Fr Tom Regan in what I can now officially confirm is his FIRST outing (more on that shortly). A suicide in the small sleepy village of […]
Rot 4 – Plaque to the Future

I’VE GOT ROT ON THE BRAIN. A tooth fairy has burrowed its way into my my head and I’m stringing out pieces of him onto the page. This was a little series I decided to create having been inspired by something similar by sci-fi author Hugh Howey with his Beacon 23 series. Howey released a […]
Monster Giveaway (+ Review Calls)

I’M GOING THROUGH a Stephen King phase at the moment. I’ve read Misery, The Shining and Carrie in the last fortnight. Even though I’ve seen the movies for the first two, they really come alive in the text. So much so that its ignited my love for reading again.
Releasing ROT

THIS WEEKEND I launched the first part of what will be a collection of stories which I’ve called ‘ROT’. It’s a dark comedy short story and has so far gotten really good reviews which I’m delighted about! It sure can feel like an echo chamber sometimes in the indie publishing world, so any feedback is great.
More Free Stuff + Updates

IS IT JUST ME or do hangovers get worse as you get older? I had a murderous one from last Saturday, and I swear, it’s only today (Thursday) that I feel 100% again. ‘Spose if you do the crime, you gotta do the time. My writing efforts took a hit as a result. Back on […]
A Short Story Feast (plus a novel treat)

I’M CURRENTLY HOSTING a short-story promotion in association with the guys over at Instafreebie. There are over 150 free titles to choose from across virtually all genres – something for even the most picky of readers.