SPARKY – A New Short Story

sparky book cover aidan j reid

AUGUST IS GOING TO BE BUSY. Two short stories will be released. The second – a Choose Your Own Adventure, that will test all my patience and creativity. The first… ..well, it’s called SPARKY and it’s now available to purchase for the princely sum of $1. You can check it out on Amazon by clicking […]

The Daily Rot

Big Brother

STARTING MARCH 1ST I’M EMBARKING on an ambitious project which, in equal measures both excites and terrifies me. Some background: Last Summer I enrolled in a Coding Course to reskill as a full stack software developer. As I near the end of the course, I’m finding it quite difficult to land my first developer job […]

Code Read

code read

The title sums up my absence from the blogosphere in the past four months. I’m changing career and have enrolled in a course which will lead to (hopefully) opportunities to become a full stack web developer, something which I’ve been really enjoying in recent months. My spare time outside of creating buggy websites and novelty […]

Hotter than Hell

I’m writing this post from a hostel in Cartagena. Temperatures hit 32°C (90°F) today which is just about the point where my pale skin begins to bubble. Fortunately, I’ve found shade (and cover from the dodgy street sellers) and figured it was about time I wrote a blog post with the latest news.

How To Get Amazon Reviews For Your First Book

I REALIZE IT’S BEEN A WHILE since I wrote anything remotely related to authoring. Yeah. It’s a word. So, I wanted to take a moment to explain what I do to get reviews for my books. What triggered this particular post was reading the RTE best reads of the year by Sinead Crowley. Some of […]

Child’s Play (A Short Story)

In a school yard, a group of kids dressed in uniform were huddled together in a ring, looking over the shoulders of two boys in the centre. They were kneeling, staring at one another from opposite ends of a chalk circle drawn on the ground. One of the boys – a ruddy bruised face and […]

What are you reading?

FAMINE OR A FEAST. Or as Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid would put it, “Wax On. Wax Off.” Specifically I’m talking about my bookish habits. In recent weeks I’ve been positively chomping through the pages of my ‘to-be-read’ list.

ROT and the Spin-off

THE FIRST FOUR STORIES from the ROT universe are free to download on Amazon. At least, for the next 48 hours. Get them while they’re ROT. Ahem… ROT Series Later this year, I hope to eventually release a spin-off from the series, featuring one of the main characters, Ian. To those who haven’t read ROT, […]

ROT's a Wrap

FOR THE PAST 5 months I’ve lived a double life. My alter-ego was a six-inch tooth-fairy that straddled the human world and the Fairy Kingdom. And I’ve enjoyed every single minute of it. Last week I released the final part – ROT 6: Filling Time. You can read more about the series here. It’s a […]

Rot 4 – Plaque to the Future

I’VE GOT ROT ON THE BRAIN. A tooth fairy has burrowed its way into my my head and I’m stringing out pieces of him onto the page. This was a little series I decided to create having been inspired by something similar by sci-fi author Hugh Howey with his Beacon 23 series. Howey released a […]

The ROT Revolution will not be televised

I’VE HAD SO MUCH fun writing the ROT series. What was going to be a standalone short-story has now taken on a life of its own and spawned three sequels. It will eventually be a collection of six stories and then rolled into ROT: The Novel, this Summer. I want to make the story available […]

Ramping Up

IT’S BEEN A BUSY eight weeks since I quit my job. I started a series called ‘The ROT Collection‘ which follows the exploits of a rogue tooth fairy who rips teeth out of kids mouths. It’s a dark comedy, and my plan is to release a new part every month.