Am I the only one that is enjoying the new season?
It’s been twelve days since the release of my latest book – Raising Lazarus. I’ll be bumping it up to its normal price of $3.99 tomorrow. Now’s a good time to get it while it’s cheap.
With each book launch, I get a little more comfortable. Perhaps it’s strange to say that, considering I worked in sales for ten years. Although, I’ve always felt more confident selling other people’s products. Guess, that’s because I didn’t have the emotional connection with the product.
RL will probably surpass the sales of my second book Sigil in the next week or so, even though Sigil has been out for almost two years. Go figure.

Let me put it this way – My royalties for RL in the past week will cover the cost of my cinema ticket tonight, two popcorns (always salted) and a bucket of coke zero. You fat $%*£%!
No complaints. It’s a tough ol’ slog, but nothing comes easy in this life.
Having quit the day job and moved to Colombia a month ago, I’ve got a lot more time on my hands. In theory, that would mean more time to write. But the devil makes work for idle hands.
I’ve spent more time working on the marketing side of things than I have the writing.
- Tweaking book descriptions
- Creating countless Amazon ads
- Finding ways to grow my mailing list
- Canvassing for advance/beta readers
I should be working on the sequel to Sigil (I received a nice review from the guys over at Readersfavorite today).
I haven’t added a single word to that work in progress since October. The ROT kinda took hold of my brain and won’t let go.
Back in November, I came up with the idea of an anti-hero tooth fairy who makes a quick profit on the side by ripping teeth out of kids heads.
I love inhabiting his world, and it’s some light relief. My last two novels (and sequel to Sigil) all heavily feature priests. I must have been going through some weird phase back in 2014/15 when I wrote them. Some repressed memory perhaps!?
I’m not particularly religious, so this is a great tonic to be silly and have some fun. That’s reflected in the titles so far:
Part 1: Origin of the Feces
Part 2: The Tooth Hurts
Part 3: Flossed and Found
Part 4: Plaque to the Future
I’m pushing myself hard (starting tomorrow!) to finish writing the ROT series before the end of February. There will be eight parts in total. I’ve reached the half-way mark. Part four is released in a couple of weeks. Each month, a new part is released. The idea is that when I have all eight, I’ll roll it into…
ROT: The Novel
Due for release in the Summer.
March 1st will be back to writing novels. Sigil 2 will be written and released in June and then a new sci-fi book around September.
Plenty to get done. But then there’s X-Files…then Homeland…perhaps I’ll see what the fuss is around Strangers Things….then there’s Spanish to learn…