I still write. Mainly for work. Website copy, social media content, snappy headlines to grab a buyer’s attention.
Pays the bills. Not much in the way of thrills though.
Such is life, and I’m grateful to be paid for exercising that part of my brain. What a contrast to my former life in sales. There were times at the start of the day, where I would escape to the toilets and psych myself up to face another grinding day of banging out the calls, shmoozing with clients and turning my introverted natural self into someone I was clearly not – a confident sales guy.
What a farce.
Which makes me grateful that the current day job aligns more with my interests.
What do I do? Well, for the last 3.5 years I’ve been working for a small digital marketing agency. Fully remote. Thanks Covid.
I enjoy it, and I’ve been learning so much as my role has evolved based on client needs. Web development, digital marketing, copywriter… The skills I’ve managed to accumulate dovetail perfectly into my own aspirations to get back into fiction writing again.
In fact, in the past year I’ve missed it. I’ve missed creative projects to get my teeth into. Characters that excited me. Keep me up and night with their constant chattering.
In recent weeks, I’ve been flexing that muscle again, and bloody hell, it’s weak as fook. But…it’s still there. Muscle memory. Or at least, that’s what I hope.
In any case, I have just completed a passion project which I’ll share more info about soon. Jumping into my website for the first time in years, underscores just how much work I need to up my own author game. Lots to be done, but sure, we have time to do it.
If not now, when?