The Good, The Bad and The Edit (Editor Review 2 – Inkwell)

WITH TWO BOOKS in the pipeline and suddenly flush with cash after selling a lung (that’s why we carry a spare right?), I decided to enlist the help of a different editor. Wanting to compare styles, and find a partner for my future writing efforts, I was keen to see how Inkwell compared with Bubblecow […]

The Good, The Bad and The Edit (Editor Review 1 – Bubblecow)

So you’ve sold your Granny and managed to stump up the fees for an editor. Nice job! If you haven’t, I suggest you read this post. Aspiring authors looking to take their self-published novel to the next level would be advised to do some research and find out which editor is the best for them. […]

Do I Need an Editor? (A Gollum Conversation)

The Short Version? Yes! The Longer Version? Competition is fierce for people’s attention today. Most of my friend’s reading habits extend as far as reading the back of a cereal packet, or scrolling through Buzzfeed articles on their phone. Click-bait links. Updated Social Streams. Phone Apps.