The ROT Revolution will not be televised

I’VE HAD SO MUCH fun writing the ROT series. What was going to be a standalone short-story has now taken on a life of its own and spawned three sequels. It will eventually be a collection of six stories and then rolled into ROT: The Novel, this Summer. I want to make the story available […]

Ramping Up

IT’S BEEN A BUSY eight weeks since I quit my job. I started a series called ‘The ROT Collection‘ which follows the exploits of a rogue tooth fairy who rips teeth out of kids mouths. It’s a dark comedy, and my plan is to release a new part every month.

Releasing ROT

THIS WEEKEND I launched the first part of what will be a collection of stories which I’ve called ‘ROT’. It’s a dark comedy short story and has so far gotten really good reviews which I’m delighted about! It sure can feel like an echo chamber sometimes in the indie publishing world, so any feedback is great.

The Review Team

I’VE BEEN BLOGGING since February 2014 with one primary motivator: Use it as a platform to promote my books. Almost four years on, I now feel like I have enough followers/subscribers to try something a little different. So, I’ve created a ‘Review Team‘ group.

Introducing…The ROT Collection

WHILE I WAIT for my editor to provide feedback on my third novel (Raising Lazarus), I decided to work on a little side project. This will be my third short story. I had a lot of fun with this one! It is Part 1 of what will be a collection of dark short stories which […]