7 Surprising Truths About My Year of Sobriety

NEXT WEEK MARKS 12 MONTHS since I quit the booze. Again. You’ve heard of yo-yo dieters? Well I guess my thirties has seen me operate at both ends of the drinking spectrum. On the boozing extreme, I would have binged hard but limited the damage to weekends. How bad did it get? Well, blackouts were […]

Shelf-Help, OMAD, Cauliflower Wings and Colombia

I’VE BEEN A VEGETARIAN for the past seven months. It’s something I flirted with before but it stuck this time because I decided if I was going to do it, I was going to do it right. I’d start eating healthy and nutritious food.

Strength Training for a Broken Wrist

Broken Wrist XRay Damage Death Road

18 MONTHS ON from my jaunt down Death Road which ended in a broken and dislocated wrist with three metal pins inserted, I’ve slowly had to rebuild my arm strength again. Being right-handed and single at the time, well intentioned friends assured me that a subscription to Bangbros would soon whip my wasted forearm back […]

Puke Free Since ’03 – An ode to my Kevin Costner

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Or so the saying goes. Although I tried my absolute best to batter my liver with wild concoctions of booze in my late teens. My jaunts around the world at various times in the past decade have exposed me to cultures that are at odds to my own […]

Energy Medicine – An Evening with Donna Eden

I’m a firm believer in the power of the human body to heal itself of minor aches and ills brought about through the various stresses of daily life. Ever since I began experiencing persistent headaches in my teenage years I sought out alternative ways to relieve my pain which introduced me to the work of […]