How to Read a Book

I was a prolific reader in my late teens. Before the advent of social media and reality TV shows my addiction back in the noughties (how I despise that term!) was reading books. I was in the throes of a Degree at University that was not a fit for my ambition or interest and reading novels […]

Questioning the Norm

I would debate that many of us go through life without having a single original thought. We are told what to do and how to do it from an early age, mindlessly accepting the rules and regulations that govern and control our lives. Schooled in subjects that pigeon hole us into what academia purports to be […]

Spanish Salsa Boxing and the fight against Apathy

Since returning from 9 months in South America, I’ve found it difficult to slot into the Corporate citizen lifestyle again. Having spunked around €10k during my trip enjoying the delights and wonders without the need to be nailed to a desk or any contract of employment, it was always bound to be a tough adjustment. I […]

Equipping a Sober Shield

My January detox has come and gone with relative ease and it is with an unfamiliar clarity of thought I sit down and write this on a Sunday morning, free from a hangover. A deeper part of me has also awakened from its dormant state and prompted me to re-evaluate my relationship with alcohol which […]

Why Dating is like Minesweeper

One game, as old as time itself. The other, a cult classic in the days when PC was at the forefront of gaming technology. The original Minesweeper game that came pre-installed on original PC’s in the mid 90’s helped shape my young mind during formative years of secondary school. In those adolescent years where the internet […]