Millennium Eve

The night had been planned for months. Only 17, we were almost officially legal age to start drinking in any bar in Ireland. No more fake I.D.s or having to rely on the leniency of bouncers to let us into bars. Soon to be independent men, who could go anywhere, and do what we wanted […]

Endless Love

“John, I understand you’re frustrated. It’s something we’ll…” He interrupted again, cutting across mid sentence, increasing my anger. I let the phone hang limply in my hand, swinging by the cord. His voice still bellowed from the receiver, and I looked at CJ standing in the doorway clearly growing impatient. He pointed to his watch. I […]

The Journey

I felt a gentle tug at my elbow, startling me from a fitful sleep. The overnight train journey connecting Seattle to San Francisco had been largely uneventful. I’d spent most of the evening counting the number of decrepit abandoned buildings dotted along the railway line, and watching fields whizz by, as dusk settled on the […]

Dr. Bandler

Shrieks of excitement erupted from the front rows of the RDS. It spread like wildfire engulfing the other 200 avid spectators, the room beaming delight at a point just beyond the curtain, out of my sight. The object of their attention stepped onto the stage, acknowledged his adoring fans with a nonchalant shrug, before propping […]