The Review Team

I’VE BEEN BLOGGING since February 2014 with one primary motivator: Use it as a platform to promote my books. Almost four years on, I now feel like I have enough followers/subscribers to try something a little different. So, I’ve created a ‘Review Team‘ group.

No Tricks. Just Treats

For the past two weeks I’ve been working myself into a frenzy, cleaning up the manuscript for my third book, Raising Lazarus. Now, it’s in the capable hands of my editor (please be gentle, Gary!), so for the next few weeks I’m going to be working on a couple of short stories.

Questioning the Norm

I would debate that many of us go through life without having a single original thought. We are told what to do and how to do it from an early age, mindlessly accepting the rules and regulations that govern and control our lives. Schooled in subjects that pigeon hole us into what academia purports to be […]

Skydiving in Ireland

Skydiving in Ireland

A couple of years ago to mark my 30th Birthday I wanted to try something a little different. Some friends challenged me to do a Tandem Skydive to mark the occasion, which in theory sounded right up my street. A little bit bonkers, fun and outside my comfort zone. Lord knows I’ve tried crazier things in the two years since.

A Guide to Being a Single Man in their 30’s

Around this time of year while friends and family are frantically chasing down last minute gifts for their loved ones, it always make me nostalgic. Thinking back to previous Christmases I’ve shared with girlfriends. Admittedly, they’ve been few and far betwen – two in fact, which is kinda depressing, but it got me thinking. Am I better off […]