Puke Free Since ’03 – An ode to my Kevin Costner

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Or so the saying goes. Although I tried my absolute best to batter my liver with wild concoctions of booze in my late teens. My jaunts around the world at various times in the past decade have exposed me to cultures that are at odds to my own […]

The Golden Era of Dance Music

While considering the theme of my next (overdue) blog post I misclicked on a youtube video from 1999 which just so happened to be the year that I began going out to bars and nightclubs armed with a fake I.D. There’s nothing better to get me out of a funk or bad mood than music. […]

10 Life Lessons From a 10 Year Old – Rediscovering My Childhood Diary

Post-Holidays blues are a horrible thing. Almost one month to the day since I returned to Ireland from travelling South America, I’ve been filling my days with practical odds and ends to keep the mild depression at bay. One of those activities has been to finally clear the attic space in our family home. Years […]