Cali Men and Medellin Women

Two of my favourite cities while trekking through Colombia were Cali and Medellin. While backpacking through jungle terrain for three days to find La Ciudad Perdida (The Lost City) fellow travellers regaled me with stories from the two cities. Having just arrived in Colombia on the Northern edge, I was keen to find out more.

Salar de Uyuni

One of the coldest, driest and most isolated places I managed to visit on my South American trip was the famous Salt Plains of Bolivia. It’s also probably one of the most photographed areas in the world not least because of it’s stunning beauty but because of the optical ‘mirror image’ of the land reflecting […]

10 Highlights of Travelling in Central and South America

9 months. 13 countries. There have been some amazing experiences en route. Some internationally renowned. Other’s perhaps not what you’d expect, but magical for their own reasons. Here is a round-up of my Top Ten: 1. MAKING FRIENDS IN ANTIGUA The colonial town of Antigua, Guatemala holds special memories for me. This charming little hub […]

The Night I Faced an Ecuadorian Firing Squad

‘Squad’ might be a tad generous. There were, to the best of my memory, only three rifles aimed at us from the high walls that enclosed the palatial home of Alberto Antonio Alvarez Tufillo, Argentina’s Ambassador to Ecuador. Although the order was barked at us in Spanish, it was pretty clear what they demanded. My […]

The 10 Uncomfortable Truths of Travelling in Central + South America

Tomorrow is the eight month anniversary of my backpacker travels through the continents of Central and South America. Since arriving in Cancun, Mexico back in October, I was gently exposed to a new culture and way of life. As I’ve ventured off the gringo trail and gone deeper into the heart of the eleven countries […]