Shark Tank – Revisiting An Old Friend

EVER WATCHED SHARK TANK? In the UK, they call it Dragons Den. Basically the premise is that a bunch of rich investors are pitched a product or business idea by plucky entrepreneurs in the hope of securing investment.

Raising Lazarus – Launch Day (99c/p)

My new book Raising Lazarus is available for purchase from today. That makes three novels in two years. Not quite King-esque, but I do try! I’m launching the digital version of it at the price of 99c/p. In a few days it will move to the extortionate price of $3.99. How do I sleep at […]

We Need To Talk About Lazarus…

I’VE BEEN SO ENTRENCHED in the ROT World lately that I haven’t really mentioned the fact I have a new book out next week. It’s my first novel in eighteen months. I’ve spoken before about the voices in my head and this was no different.

Writing up a Storm

THIS WEEK I MOVED all my earthly possessions in a suitcase and moved to Colombia. Bogota now. Medellin later. The weather here has been nothing short of shite. Only a few degrees more than what I was escaping in Ireland. At least I know Medellin is certain to be warmer having spent a year there […]

Changing Covers – The Stubborn Version

EIGHTEEN MONTHS AGO, I released my first creation to the wild. Pathfinders is a supernatural thriller with a sprinkling of science fiction. Panning two worlds, it explores this reality and the dream world through the phenomena of ‘Lucid Dreaming’, popularized most recently with the movie Inception.