My new book Raising Lazarus is available for purchase from today.
That makes three novels in two years. Not quite King-esque, but I do try!
I’m launching the digital version of it at the price of 99c/p. In a few days it will move to the extortionate price of $3.99. How do I sleep at night?!
I guess you’d find this in the suspense/thriller aisle of your local bookstore. With my stories I try and give a little oddball twist to them. This is no different. It’s in the tagline:

Hello Beautiful.

Cursed with eternal life? 
Or a dangerous psychopath?
You can read the opening chapters here.
It’s also available on pretty much all platforms and as a paperback.
Hit the following link to find it on your favourite platform:
Raising Lazarus
Thanks for your continued support and lovely comments. I’ll keep writing as long as there’s an audience.
There is an audience right?…
Anyone out there?….

105 Responses

  1. Well, I don’t know about an audience, but you got me. xD *kicks back in recliner with coffee* The book looks great. Goodness knows I don’t need more books on my TBR list, but I’ve picked up a copy of this anyway, and I’m looking forward to reading it. :3

      1. Same. I’ve read more books this month than I did in four months last year, and it feels great! Even though I’m in danger of being suffocated under this mountain of future reads. Meh, it’s worth it. Not a bad way to go, really. Could be worse.

        1. Death by book suffocation. You’ve just tied up a loose end in the new book I’m writing. It’s how the librarian would have wanted to go I’m sure 😉

  2. thanks for the reminder…and I hope you having a LOT of writing days now you are back in the Southern Hemisphere!