There’s a (writing) storm comin’

Writing Storm Aidan Reid

A CERTAIN PRIEST has been bugging me again. Fr. Tom Regan to be precise. Fresh off the back of his travails in the jungles of Peru, he wants to be let off the leash again. I’ve been relatively quiet on the writing front so I was as surprised as anyone to hear him chirp up […]

Raising Lazarus – Launch Day (99c/p)

My new book Raising Lazarus is available for purchase from today. That makes three novels in two years. Not quite King-esque, but I do try! I’m launching the digital version of it at the price of 99c/p. In a few days it will move to the extortionate price of $3.99. How do I sleep at […]

We Need To Talk About Lazarus…

I’VE BEEN SO ENTRENCHED in the ROT World lately that I haven’t really mentioned the fact I have a new book out next week. It’s my first novel in eighteen months. I’ve spoken before about the voices in my head and this was no different.