A CERTAIN PRIEST has been bugging me again.

Fr. Tom Regan to be precise. Fresh off the back of his travails in the jungles of Peru, he wants to be let off the leash again.

I’ve been relatively quiet on the writing front so I was as surprised as anyone to hear him chirp up with a new story to tell. Truth be told, it’s the kick that I needed.

Often, I go through weeks, sometimes months without writing anything. Then all of a sudden – BAM! – an idea is seeded from God knows where and then…then I know I gotta hold on for the ride. ‘Cos once it’s found fertile ground in my imagination, I gotta watch it grow.

I’m nice like that.

My gardening mother would be proud.

To use another analogy, I’m now pregnant with this 10 lb baby inside me, pushing and pressing. Looking for an escape.

I simply HAVE to get rid. The sooner the better.

It affects all aspects of my waking life. It dominates my thoughts to the point where I can’t sleep at night.

Hi Father. Yes I’m awake. Yes, I know I promised you another outing. I was busy this afternoon. Yes, I know you’re impatient. I know I could have written that scene better. Yes, father. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. No, I haven’t forgotten about that character. No, I’m aware that that person has a hidden agenda – I created them! Just…Yes…I know. Tomorrow, I promise. Please! It’s 1am. Please let me sleep!

I work best to deadlines. The month of March will be dedicated to writing and completing the third (as yet, untitled) part of the Tom Regan thrillers.

I would anticipate a Summer release for that one, once it’s gone through edits/cover illustrators, etc.

Just gotta prep myself for the big push.


You can pick up the first book – SIGIL – for free today. Grab it from Amazon here.