Oh Yeah. That Marketing Thing.

SO, I RELEASED A NEW NOVEL TODAY. My fifth. Can you believe that? I haven’t done too much in the way of promotion, because, well…I’ve done that in the past, thrown a lot of money at it, and didn’t get much return on the old investment of either time or energy. Instead, I’m employing a […]

What are you reading?

FAMINE OR A FEAST. Or as Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid would put it, “Wax On. Wax Off.” Specifically I’m talking about my bookish habits. In recent weeks I’ve been positively chomping through the pages of my ‘to-be-read’ list.

ROT: The Novel + 4 Year Birthday!

SEEMS LIKE ONLY YESTERDAY since I started blogging. Today WordPress informed me that it’s four years since my first blog post. It started out as a travel blog and documented my journey through Central and South America.

ROT's a Wrap

FOR THE PAST 5 months I’ve lived a double life. My alter-ego was a six-inch tooth-fairy that straddled the human world and the Fairy Kingdom. And I’ve enjoyed every single minute of it. Last week I released the final part – ROT 6: Filling Time. You can read more about the series here. It’s a […]

Pathfinders is two! Discounted today.

THE FIRST BOOK that started my author career celebrates its second birthday today! To celebrate, I’m dropping its price to 99 cents/p for the next couple of days. If you’re looking for something a little bit wacky and original, then I’d suggest reading the opening chapters here to see if its for you.