Falling in (Book) Love

FOR YEARS, I’VE BEEN SEARCHING. That significant other. Someone to curl up with at the end of a long day. The one that makes you feel alive. Gives you hope. Inspires and helps you forget all your worries. If only, for a few hours. Turns out, I’ve been looking in the wrong places.

Monster Giveaway (+ Review Calls)

I’M GOING THROUGH a Stephen King phase at the moment. I’ve read Misery, The Shining and Carrie in the last fortnight. Even though I’ve seen the movies for the first two, they really come alive in the text. So much so that its ignited my love for reading again.

The Best Book Dedications. Ever.

STUMBLED UPON THIS POST on imgur earlier. Simply had to share it because I’ve been thinking about who to dedicate my third novel to. Close to the finish line now. You can check out the original post here or the images below for a chuckle.

Goodies to Gobble Up

I FEATURE IN two Bookfunnel promos this week. Basically, the site is a platform to connect readers to new authors. Readers get a free short story/book. Authors get an email address so they can harass inform readers of future promotions and new releases.

The Anti-Promotional Poster

TODAY I STARTED working on a few images I could share on social media. After a while, I got bored of fixating on the positives. I know my books aren’t perfect. No book is (except maybe LOTR and War and Peace. Yes, I’m a nerd). So, I thought, just for shits and giggles, why not […]