SOMETIME’S THERE’S NOTHING quite like a good ol’ puke.
Usually, that feeling creeps up on me when I have a throbbing hangover. The urgent need for a release to purge my insides of the toxic booze from the night before.
Thankfully, those days are few and far between. When it does happen though, it feels like the best remedy to batter through a block. Some blocks, however, are harder to remove than others.
Take writer’s block for example. A term which I don’t necessarily agree with, writers commonly cite it as reason for lulls in their productivity – creative juices sucked dry.
When I’m on a deadline to complete the first draft of a novel, and I feel like the ideas don’t flow…I puke.
Not literally. My laptop wouldn’t last long if it had the Exorcist treatment.
I figuratively puke. SomethingΒ is going on that electronic page. Anything. It won’t be my best work. It may not even be legible, but it will untangle a knot in my mind so that I can latch onto a coherent string of thought and tease it out.
This has worked well for me. Using this method, I have completed (first draft) books in weeks rather than months.
Admittedly, when I go over first drafts of what I’ve written, it’s usually garbage, but, at that stage, the story arc has already played out in my mind in some sort of sequence. The story evolves with multiple edits, sometimes dramatically, but it’s always easier to get a picture of something when you have most of the pieces.
A puke has saved me on many occasions. It’s saved time, energy and plenty of frustration. An extremely successful puke cultivates thought germs on the page which develop and grow between edits – the passage of time helping to form and shape ideas that initially looked silly.
A good puke can save a story from oblivion. A good puke can prevent analysis paralysis. A good puke can be the oil that teases open a lock. Puke can also make a story flow.
Puke can be your friend. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.


52 Responses

  1. ” πŸ™‚
    Hope you’re piece of writing up a storm, Aidan! Doesn’t do me that ‘wow’ poet showing only my best…but it dos me a cuss author that has the same challenges to perfect the foxiness.

  2. I totally agree, we figuratively digest so much that we need time to also separate the processes. I have writers block at the moment because there is way too much to digest but still openly sharing on WP. I’m a little irked and frustrated that I won’t let myself post just the most polished creative works… but at the same time I believe that writing is a healing and introspective process as well as a creative pursuit and try to support and encourage others to use it liberally. Doesn’t make me that ‘wow’ poet showing only my best…but it makes me a fellow writer that has the same challenges to perfect the craft. Like this article πŸ™‚

          1. That’s what I’m thinking! Of course, I’ve been doing everything else but writing it today LOL Just got my audiobook submitted for quality control and so figured I’d make sample teasers while “plotting.” πŸ™‚
            Hope you’re writing up a storm, Aidan!